To start with an analogy, for many, reading this book will be like the experience of eating Marmite! The way in which the subject matter is dealt with will be loved by some and hated by others, according to personal taste, politics and ideology. Although dealing with contentious issues of recent history, this book immediately reminded me of some of the early publications from the Glasgow University Media Group, such as 'Bad News', which I first read when completing a radio journalism course back in the 1980s. That said, the book is none the worse for pursuing similar angles to those earlier titles, and for many students, at undergraduate level in particular, the modern context will certainly make some of the issues involved a little more accessible.
How to Cite:
Hallett, L., (2017) “Book Review: David Edwards and David Cromwell – Media Lens Newspeak in the 21st Century Pluto Press, London, 2009, ISBN: 978-0-7453-2893-5”, Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture 6(2), 157-160. doi: https://doi.org/10.16997/wpcc.129
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