This interesting book seems not to be readily available in Western Europe. In recent years, with increasing immigration into Europe and political situations in, for instance, Israel/Palestine; Iraq and, probably most noticeably, the U.S.A. religion has suddenly returned to the forefront of academic discourse in the social sciences. In media studies in Britain, long a stronghold of the Marxist critique, this has been more than surprising.
How to Cite:
Way, M., (2017) “Book Review: Marczewska-Rytko, M. (ed.) (2003) Religion in a Changing Europe: Between Pluralism and Fundamentalism – Selected Problems, Lublin: Maria Vurie-Sklodowska University Press. ISBN 83-227-2089-0”, Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture 4(1), 103-105. doi: https://doi.org/10.16997/wpcc.77
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