With its multi-channel structure, including independent member-based and non-member-based organizations, the Dutch public broadcasting system is arguably a unique example in Europe for preserving diversity in its media landscape. In the Dutch framework there is a particular attention to minority groups in society, offering several models of participation on different scales. This article, part of a wider research project, examines Turkish radio broadcasts in The Netherlands assessing whether those radio stations and programmes are contributing to a participatory debate and to what extent they are reflecting the characteristics typical of community media. These issues are discussed around a number of axes, analysing the main contradictions occurred in community radio practice in recent years, threats of commercialization and ethnic marketing strategies, the Turkish immigrant’s capacity to exist as a community and the increasing decline of multiculturalism policy in The Netherlands in recent years.
Keywords: multiculturalism in The Netherlands, Turkish immigrant community, Community Radio
How to Cite:
Cankaya, Ö., (2017) “Turkish radio broadcasts in The Netherlands: Community Communication or Ethnic Market?”, Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture 5(1), 86-106. doi: https://doi.org/10.16997/wpcc.52
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