Women have historically played a significant role in shaping media output, both as producers or contributors to media production, and as members of an audience. Women have also produced their own alternative and feminist media, as part of specific campaigns or communities struggling for equality, citizenship and a political voice, as part of the wider women’s movement. Women’s contribution to – or use of mass media has in the last decade or so received a growing attention from the academic scholarship with studies emerging from a range of disciplines such as film, media and communication, history, media history and women’s/feminist history (Badenoch, 2007; Bell, 2010; Bingham, 2004; Chambers et al., 2004; Delap and DiCenzo, 2008; Forster, 2010; Lacey, 1996; Mitchell, 2000; Ross and Byerly, 2004, 2006; Tusan, 2005). Furthermore, recent conferences dedicated, for instance to the historical role and contribution of women to film production, and feminist alternative media in the 1970s respectively, suggest that historical research on these subjects is gaining further momentum.1 The outlook is positive; however, there is still much scope and need to advance and underline the study of women’s or feminist media history.
How to Cite:
Skoog, K., (2017) “Editorial”, Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture 8(3), 1-5. doi: https://doi.org/10.16997/wpcc.130
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