Volume 8 • Issue 3 • 2011




Kristin Skoog

2017-06-14 Volume 8 • Issue 3 • 2011 • 1-5

Research Articles

Hear our plea: Voices of early free Methodist women in denominational print culture

Hear our plea: Voices of early free Methodist women in denominational print culture

Christy Mesaros-Winckles

2017-06-14 Volume 8 • Issue 3 • 2011 • 25-46

Also a part of:

Collection: Women, Feminism and the Media

InternatIonalIzatIon or natIonalIzatIon by CommunICatIon? the InternatIonal CommunICatIon relatIons of the German suffraGe movement

InternatIonalIzatIon or natIonalIzatIon by CommunICatIon? the InternatIonal CommunICatIon relatIons of the German suffraGe movement

Susanne Kinnebrock

2017-06-14 Volume 8 • Issue 3 • 2011 • 47-71

Power to the women? Viennese Journalism in the interwar Period

Power to the women? Viennese Journalism in the interwar Period

Christian Oggolder

2017-06-14 Volume 8 • Issue 3 • 2011 • 73-98

Also a part of:

Collection: Women, Feminism and the Media

What Women Want on television: Doreen Stephens and BBC television programmes for women, 1953–64

What Women Want on television: Doreen Stephens and BBC television programmes for women, 1953–64

Mary Irwin

2017-06-14 Volume 8 • Issue 3 • 2011 • 99-122

Also a part of:

Collection: Women, Feminism and the Media

Collection: Television Studies

AttItudes to Women In the BBC In the 1970s – not so much a glass ceiling as one of reinforced concrete

AttItudes to Women In the BBC In the 1970s – not so much a glass ceiling as one of reinforced concrete

Suzanne Franks

2017-06-14 Volume 8 • Issue 3 • 2011 • 123-142

Also a part of:

Collection: Women, Feminism and the Media

‘‘A Public sense  of ourselves’’: communication and community-building in Canada’s LesbiaNews/LNews, 1989–98

‘‘A Public sense of ourselves’’: communication and community-building in Canada’s LesbiaNews/LNews, 1989–98

Barbara Freeman

2017-06-14 Volume 8 • Issue 3 • 2011 • 143-167


An IntervIew wIth Maria DiCenzo, London AprIl 2011

An IntervIew wIth Maria DiCenzo, London AprIl 2011

Kristin Skoog

2017-06-14 Volume 8 • Issue 3 • 2011 • 11-24

Book Reviews

Book Review: Juke box britain. americanisation and youth culture, 1945–60 ADRIAN HORN. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2009

Book Review: Juke box britain. americanisation and youth culture, 1945–60 ADRIAN HORN. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2009

Christoph Hilgert

2017-06-14 Volume 8 • Issue 3 • 2011 • 169-173