
Internationalizing Media and Cultural Studies: Travelling Knowledge and Translocalities

Author: Fernando Resende (Universidade Federal Fluminense)

  • Internationalizing Media and Cultural Studies: Travelling Knowledge and Translocalities


    Internationalizing Media and Cultural Studies: Travelling Knowledge and Translocalities



This contribution is summarized through two basic problems:

1) The reification of ideas and objects (Said, 1983) in the context of media and cultural studies – mainly when referring to their internationalizing process –
requires reflecting on the relations between colonialities of power and ­colonialities of knowledge (Mignolo, 2003).

2) The resignification and extension of some basic concepts, such as culture, ­politics and communication, along with the incorporation of other ­fundamental approaches and ideas from a critical cognitive perspective is not only a ­necessity, but also the political route one should follow in our contemporary complex technological societies.

Out of disharmony and conflict, other knowledges must be produced within the game of power. From this perspective, this contribution is also a reflection about the idea that cognitive capitalism has taken us to a kind of a cognitive crisis. Thus, it is suggested that thinking from transtemporalities and translocalities is an aesthetic/political form via which to criticize and think about the multiplicity of spaces within the processes of internationalizing media and cultural studies.

Keywords: translocality, knowledge, capitalism, communication, media, Internationalizing

How to Cite:

Resende, F., (2017) “Internationalizing Media and Cultural Studies: Travelling Knowledge and Translocalities”, Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture 12(1), 23-25. doi:



Published on
30 Jan 2017
Peer Reviewed

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The Author wishes to acknowledge the following publications:

  • Santos, M. (2014). Metamorfoses do espaço habitado. São Paulo: EDUSP.

  • Sodré, M. (2007). On communicational episteme, Revista Matrizes. São Paulo: USP.

Competing Interests

The author has no competing interests to declare.

Author Information

Fernando Resende is Senior Lecturer and Research Coordinator (CNPq) at Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) and Visiting Scholar (CNPq/2013) at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS - University of London). His research focuses on narratives of conflicts and diasporic movements; theory and philosophy of communication; and the impact of geopolitical discursive relations (narratives and conflicts) on the imaged geographies of East/West and, in particular, the imagination of Palestine and Africa by Brazil and England in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. He is a board member of Global Media and Communication, Journal of Media Studies and Revista Comunicação, Mídia e Consumo and is currently editing the book Media and the Global South: Narrative Territorialities, Cross-Cultural Currents (Routledge Global South Literary Cultures Series).


1  Mignolo, W.. (2003).  Histórias locais/Projetos globais: colonialidade, saberes subalternos e pensamento laminar. Belo Horizonte: UFMG.

2  Said, E. W.. (1983). Traveling Theory In:  The World, the Text, and the Critic. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard UP.